What’s Available at the Rye NH Town Museum?
Plan your visit to see these items first-hand!
In our inventory, you will find photographs, documents, unpublished writings, maps, ephemera, artifacts, news articles, media, in the Rye Town Museum available for research purposes.
The Rye Town Museum is located at 10 Olde Parish Road, in Rye, New Hampshire.
The locations of these items have changed as we have been moving things around in the museum. These locations will be updated soon.
On the First Floor
Bookcase to right of front entrance
Monographs/documents/ unpublished books, writings with and w/o photos on specific Rye topics by a variety of people, including: Louise Tallman, Alex Herlihy and others.
Town Clerk’s report of fires from the late 1800s into the 1900s
Charlie Green – bio w/ photos
George Lang Diaries (1870-1900) sample here – the rest in archive room
Memories of the Beaches of Rye – narratives with photos
Playbills from turn of 20th century entertainment at Town Hall
Rye School Photos with captions – 1948-1954
Remembering Bonnie and Tony Go0odwin
List of Rye home owners in 1900 (to go with big map)
Rye Driftwood Garden Club , c. 1985 – photos of members
Garrocks Estate, Odiorne Point c. 1920s
Old Houses of Rye – pre- 1825 – 3 vols –photos w/ description; Louise Tallman
Plants of Lang Rd by Louise Tallman
Changes to the Rye Shore, 2010, Louise Tallman
Gems of the NH Shore, Granite Weekly, 1895
Dedication of the Town Hall, Nov. 1873, Rev. JK Aldrich – Rye historical overview
122 Rye men who served in the American revolutionary war
Early Probate Records 1635 – 1717
Growing up in Rye at turn of 20th century – three reminiscences
Poetry/verses by Clarence Trefry, early Rye photographer
Locke Family deeds
Shore Rd (Ocean Blvd.) Cabins – early/mid 20th C. – [photos)
Rye Families of the 20th Cent. compiled by Louise Tallman – ongoing project
Illustrated History of Rye with narrative, by Alex Herlihy, on going project – 12 vols
Brophiljendra Club, Sec. notes, 1928
Old Graveyards, Foss Graveyard, Central Cemetery, by Louise Tallman, 10 vols
Historic Photos of Rye (random collection) by Clarence Trefry, 2 vols
RHS historic photo collection, by themed category, 8 vols.
Unidentified photos, two vols.
Other vols. Of misc. photos
Bookshelf to left of front entrance
Hotels and Boarding Houses of Rye, complement to exhibit, photos w/ captions
Moving and renovation of Rye Town Museum 1997-2002; photos w/ captions
History of Elijah Locke House, Knowles Cor., 2 vols.
Parsons Family Scrapbook
Correspondence from Foss Boarding House, 1890s
Photos of Portsmouth at turn of 20th c.
Washington House Hotel guest register, 1899
Drake House Hotel Register, 1915-1930s
“How We Remembered: a 20th Century Retrospective” Odiorne Family, Barbara O. Kerr
Memorial Tribute to Hon. Richard Jenness, 1872
Strom Photos, March 9, 1928
Transcript of Rye town records, vol. I 1726-1845)
Vital Records of Rye, 1726 – 1821) (1825-1842, Books 1 and 2) 2 vols.
First Co-op Nursery school/kindergarten of Rye, 1947, Sec. notes
Old Maps of Rockingham Co. 1892
History of Wedgwood House, Lang Rd. by Jessie Herlihy
History of Nathaniel Foye House, Foyes Cor. (dismantled and moved)
Blizzard of 1978
Locke Photo album
Rye Town Clerk record of fires in Rye; late 1800s – early 1900s
Gossport Families (Star Island, Isles of Shoals, Rye) 4 vols
Marriage records – 1726-1899
Births, Marriages and Deaths, 4 vols.
Deeds 1 vol.
Rye Directories, 2 vols.
Genealogical records of Rye families compiled by Louise Tallman, 10 vols.
Misc. photos albums
Extensive genealogical research by Louise Tallman- many volumes, A-Z
News clippings mostly from Portsmouth Herald; (since 2000 – the majority of Rye stories). Many clippings from before that date going back to 1970s and some before.
Vertical file on wide variety of Rye topics including letters from Emma Foss written in 1973 describing life in Rye in 1890s and letter by Ralph Brown describing Prohibition days at Sagamore Creek and many more.
On the large bookshelf behind the chimney
Published booklets, books, pamphlets, articles, e.g., The Berrys of Sandy Beach, Rye on the Rocks by Bill Varrell, “History of Rye NH by Langdon Parsons, etc. Several genealogical books. A complete set of Rye Town Reports from the early 1860s and many more books on Rye and other seacoast communities.
Maps – from the earliest Rye map of 1805 to the present
On Display
Realia – this is the official term used to define all three-dimensional items and artifacts - a wide variety from ship rigging, gravestones, and furniture, to smaller items such as Indian arrowheads, dishware from hotels, and a captured Nazi bayonet. (Some items are in storage.)
PowerPoints: Rye in 1911, History of the Rye Town Hall
DVDs – Nine films relating all or in part to Rye
Hundreds of slides that need to be digitized (slide shows on Rye Bicentennial, old houses,)
Approx. 3000 Historic Photos of Rye available for viewing for research (on Wordpress website) and for printing on card stock at the museum (contact museum for fees)
Human Resources
Oral history tapes that need to be transcribed (a few have been); more interviews are needed.
People with general and/or specific knowledge of Rye’s history, families, specific events who are willing to talk to professional researchers, students and others and groups.
On the Second Floor
In Archive Room
Town records compiled under a Moose Plate grant from state of NH – provide detailed list from records in archives room including mortgages, tax lists, court records, etc.
Selectmen’s Accounts, Tax Assessments & tax assessment inventories – 8 boxes
1788-1829; 1828-49; 1831-51; 1850-71; 1852-73; 1873-82; 1874-88; 1875-81; 1882-86; 1830-70; 1836-70
Box 22 – LB Parsons Notebook
Boxes 9,10 – Selectmen’s Records, 1871-1941
Box 16-18 - Early Records – Mortgages, Jury Records, Militia Records
Boxes 19-21 – Jedidiah Rand Accounts
Rye Historical Society Papers
One Box each: Seavey Family papers; Rye Congregational Church
Jenness, Oliver and Sidney papers; Rawding Family Deeds;
2 boxes – Foss Collection
2 Boxes – Philbrick Family
1 Box, Nathaniel Marden Papers
1 Box, Berry Jenness Family
In fire-safe drawers:
George Lang’s Diary 1870-1900
Garland Tavern Account book – latter half of 1700s
Foss Boarding House guest register – late 1800s and several more
Located in conventional 4-drawer file cabinet:
Historic Photos and misc. written documents
In upstairs library
Further Rye documents
Published books on NH, NE and American history
Old newspapers and magazines (Life magazines from 30s to early 50s)
In upstairs closet
textile collection – clothing, costumes, quilts, other textile items (in need of a curator)
In basement
Three large signs: Farragut Hotel, Goss Farm Rooms for rent, Sawyers Bath Houses; also many artifacts for display in exhibits, dish and metal ware, furniture, doll carriages; original Piscataqua Gundalow exhibit from the 80s, old books and much more.
Electronic Sources
WordPress contains most of RHS historic Rye photo collection;
Word documents: e.g., History of the Rye Town Hall, Historical and Natural Sites of Rye, Overview of the History of Odiorne Point, and many other documents created by the RHS.