Membership: Join or Renew

Membership Options

ALL levels of membership are gladly accepted and greatly appreciated. All memberships begin on the date of payment and are valid for a duration of 12 months.

  • Paying by check? ​(Please make checks out to: Rye Historical Society, and send to PO Box 583, Rye, NH 03870.) Download printable form here.

  • Paying by Credit Card? Pay for your annual membership with a credit card via PayPal using the Pay Now link above.

Is this membership a gift? Be sure to change the shipping address on the next screen

The Rye Historical Society invites anyone who is interested in preserving Rye’s history to join the society. Since 1976, the Rye Historical Society has relied on membership dues and contributions from local people to fund the society's programs and maintain the museum.​




  • Knowledge that your contribution will have a positive impact on your community through the
    preservation of its cultural heritage for future generations to experience and explore.

  • E-newsletter published monthly, keeping you in the Rye history loop

  • Invitations to and discounts on special events, exhibition previews, and community programs

  • Participation and voting privileges at the annual board meeting

  • 10% discount on all items at the Museum's gift shop


Square Rock $15
Invitation to the Spring Garden Party

The Ledges $25
All of the above, plus Invitation to the December Holiday Party

Seavey Island $50
All of the above, plus Rye, NH Baseball Cap

Lunging Island $100
All of the above, plus Rye, NH Mug

White Island $250
All of the above, plus one complimentary Trolley Tour tickets

Star Island $500
All of the $100 level benefits plus two complimentary Isle of Shoals Tour tickets

Questions? Contact us at