Rye History Trolley Tour | Rye Historical Society & Town Museum
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Rye History Trolley Tour

  • Rye Historical Society & Town Musuem 10 Old Parish Road Rye, NH 03870 USA (map)

Rye Historical Society will sponsor three Rye History Trolley Tour this summer from 10:30 to 12:00 on Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Labor Day.

The tour, with ongoing historical narration, will proceed down Central Road to Ocean Boulevard, to Rye Harbor, and back to the museum via Harbor and Locke Roads, with four stops along the way. The first stop is St. Andrews-By-The-Sea Chapel, which has several historic stained-glass windows, including two by Tiffany and one dedicated to long time parishioner and church secretary Ogden Nash. Riders will also visit the lobby of The Drake House, once one of the grand hotels in town. Other stops will be at Rye Harbor, an active fishing port; and Goss Barn, which was restored by the town. This English-style barn was converted into the traditional Yankee Barn in the late 1800s. The tour will end at The Rye Town Museum. Proceeds support the museum, which will be open before and after the tour.

As all 2019 trolley tours sold out, reservations are necessary, and can be made by emailing RHS (info@ryenhhistoricalsociety.org) with your name, number in your party and telephone number no later than three days prior to the tour. Please arrive at the museum, 10 Olde Parish Road, and park in the library parking lot, by 10:15 A.M. and pay when you board. The trolley will leave promptly at 10:30 A.M. Cost is $20 for adults; $18 for seniors, those under 18, and RHS members. Cash or checks made out to Rye Historical Society, please.

Buy your tickets here on Eventbrite.

Earlier Event: August 16
RHS Annual Meeting and Program
Later Event: October 22
Ed Bullock: Eyes that Shine