Our Vision

To preserve and share Rye history by understanding the past, informing the present, and influencing the future.

Our Mission

To engage and educate a diverse population in Rye, New Hampshire’s rich history through our programs, collections, and outreach, to encourage them to make a personal connection with their community.


The 2022-23 Board of Directors

Ginna Macdonald - President
Jan Olmstead - Vice President
Lew Karabatsos - Secretary
Steve Cash - Treasurer Cathy Hodson - Assistant Treasurer Mike Berry Jean Briggs Badger David Caswell
Becky Marden
Andy Stecher

The RHS Board’s Purpose

  • Establish identity and strategy

  • Ensure resources

  • Provide oversight

  • Programming

The RHS board can expand to 15 members. Meetings are held monthly, including an annual strategic planning session to chart the future course and prioritize actions.

Board members are elected for two, three-year terms, with the requirement to take a one-year leave after that service.